COVID-19 update for spring season

28 Mar 2020 by Kelly Kempf

Dear Parents & Guardians:

We wanted to reach out to you to provide you an update regarding the efforts of the Board of Directors of the Crystal Lake Rowing Club to monitor reports on Covid-19 and follow guidance from the Crystal Lake Park District (we are an affiliate organization), the McHenry County Department of Health, U.S. Rowing, the Illinois Department of Health and federal health authorities.

This is, and continues to be, a rapidly evolving situation. Since we last sent you a communication, there have been several changes:

· Illinois has implemented a state-wide shelter-in-place order through April 7, with continued communication from the Governor that he will follow the guidance from health experts about whether to extend that order;

· Our governing organization, U.S. Rowing, has cancelled all spring regatta events and other U.S. Rowing events have been cancelled (up to the postponement of the Olympics in Tokyo);

· The number of cases in our county and surrounding counties has continued to rise.

We are trying to support our rowers and coaches by keeping them engaged with daily workouts posted on team app.

With all of that in mind, we wanted to update you on our decision process. To help you with your planning:

· Our current suspension of in-person practices is extended through April 7, because of the statewide shelter-in-place order. It will be automatically extended to any future modifications of the date specified in the order.

· Our Club Board of Directors will meet in April (second week) and review the current information available and decide how to proceed.

As a reminder, should your rower or family member be subject to a self-quarantine (e.g. such as the preventative school closures in Chicago), running a fever or sick as advised by your doctor, please inform the coaches so that we can respond. We will need everyone’s cooperation in sharing information.

We will continue to monitor information available and guidance provided by federal, state, local and affiliate partners and keep you informed via TeamApp.

We remain committed to working together to prevent the spread of this virus in our homes, schools and community. For additional information about the coronavirus (COVID-19), please see the resources below.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources: · Federal: Centers for Disease Control Website: COVID-19 information

· State: Illinois Coronavirus Site: which also has links for the Governor’s daily coronavirus briefing

· Department of Public Health:


Crystal Lake Rowing Club Board